CEO Mentoring

It’s often said that being a CEO is the loneliest job in the world. If you confide too much in your Executive Team, you can be perceived as being weak. If you confide in your board directors, you could create concern that you’re not up to the job. Confiding in your significant other can cause family stress and it’s not always healthy to bring those questions back home.

Where do you go?

You need a CIEN (Shadow) CEO. A mentor. An Advisor. Someone who can offer low risk advice and counsel, with no skin in your game. Someone with proven, successful experience and scars to help you in your journey.

Board Development

Being a productive, contributing Board Director requires strategic oversight. Often, Board Directors get mired in operational details that are the responsibility of the Executive Teams. There’s a “bright line” established between Board Directors of Operating Teams - crossing that line can lead to extremely ineffective and unhealthy relationships at the top of a company.

Business and Corporate Development

Are you thinking about adjacent product categories?

Are they organic growth opportunities or growth through a merger or acquisition?

Do you have the capital or public currency to pursue that important growth opportunity?

Stock Option Advisory Services

Are you an employee who has a job offer that includes stock options?

Do you know how to value those stock options?

Do you know the right questions to ask to determine the fair value of those stock options?

Do you know what it will take to create enough Enterprise Value of your prospective company for those stock options to be worth anything at all?

If you want answers to any of these questions, we can help you make the right decision for you and your family.

Contact us for a free consultation